Fraud Alert

Pivot Staffing Solutions understands the importance of your security and privacy.

We do not ask job applicants to:

  • pay any fee to work or to receive payment from us
  • make cash or check advancements to us or to any third party
  • cash checks from any sources
  • purchase any product, service, or gift cards
  • supply sensitive financial information such as credit card numbers or banking PIN numbersWe do not make job offers to candidates or request candidates to send applications through instant messaging services such as Telegram, Signal or WhatsApp.

We will not post jobs on  freelance platforms, such as Fiverr or Upwork, and will not connect with job applicants through such platforms. We do not send or ask for money through mobile payment apps or digital wallet platforms, such as GCash, Skrill, Shopify, or Google Pay, and we will never make or request payments via cryptocurrency.

We will not ask for any government identification numbers, such as Social Security Numbers, banking or payment information on any instant messaging services.

Pivot does not hire candidates for jobs in countries where we are not authorized to operate. Please be aware that if you receive any requests like the ones described above, it is likely a form of fraud. Please contact us if you think someone is using Pivot’s name to request this type of information.

What to do if you suspect fraud

Contact our team at

if you receive any suspicious communications that references Pivot Staffing Solutions Inc. Suspicious communications include those asking for personal information or requesting payment of any kind, instant messaging or social media.